Saturday, June 29, 2013

Comfort Foods and Heartwarming Company

So there is this crazy cold/allergy that directly correlates to the Bangalore pollen/pollution that I have been dealing with for months now. After multiple hesitations, three rounds of antibiotics, a surgery scare, etc., I have finally succumbed to the idea of going for a homeopathy treatment for all my ailments.

Considering my overall mood, I decided that I needed some comfort company and food – not necessarily in that order J.

The company of thoughtful and wonderful friends is the easiest way for me to uplift my mood. I had a friend drop in for tea with the most thoughtful gift from USA of a measuring spoon set that helps us measure pinches, smidgens, drops, etc. How absolutely adorable!! Then another friend and I were contemplating where to meet up for a lunch date and we finally ended up eating simple, home cooked meal at her home and chatting about the complexities of stepping out of our comfort zones.  To tell you the truth the friends who make you feel special, sane and are always there for a quick pick-me-up-coffee are worth their weight in gold.


Coming back to the topic of comfort food, a quick browsing through my pantry showed me that I had some tinned and sliced pineapples. Deciding that it was meant to be, I started on the path of cooking myself some upside down pineapple cake. This is one dessert that tastes amazing when it is warm and whereas the preferred mode of eating it would be with some vanilla ice cream, I decided to make some warm vanilla custard to accompany it (remember, I have a cold!!).

A well recommended online recipe seemed the ideal way to start. I made a few modifications to made it work for both my taste as well as the limitations of my pantry. (

Pineapple Upside Down Cake
The only tweaks I made to the original recipe were to add pecans instead of cherries and reduce the sugar to 90gm in the cake. I have added my step by step pictures to get you to rush to the kitchen and make your own :).

I arranged the tinned pineapple slices on the creamed mix of  brown sugar and butter. And added pecans in the gaps.
Honestly, I literally just plopped all the cake ingredients together in a bowl and mixed it up with a whisk.

 And the results came out just fine :).

Then it was a matter of topping up and evenly spreading out the cake mix on the pineapples.

The cake definitely came out looking like I created a crater full moon - however, once I upturned it (giving it a 5 minute breather and a circling around of the edges using my handy butter knife).......

It looked something like this.....not bad eh!!

I plated it as soon as I could with my slightly warm vanilla enjoy a piece of heaven....comfort food at its best!!!!